How to Become a Host of a Bunking Sponsored Adventure

How to Become a Host of a Bunking Sponsored Adventure

Are you passionate about meeting new people and eager to share your unique skills or knowledge? Bunking is always on the lookout for enthusiastic individuals to host our sponsored adventures. As a host, you'll have the opportunity to create memorable experiences, foster meaningful connections, and even earn some extra income. Here's how you can become a host for a Bunking-sponsored adventure.

Why Host a Bunking Adventure?

Share Your Passion:

  • Whether you’re an expert in cooking, yoga, hiking, or any other craft, hosting a Bunking adventure allows you to share your passion with others who share your interests.

Free Stay and Profit Sharing:

  • Bunking covers the cost of the destination and the marketing of the adventure. As a host, you stay for free and have the opportunity to share in the profits from the event.

Build Community:

  • Hosting a Bunking adventure gives you the chance to build a community of like-minded individuals, fostering deep connections and creating lasting memories.

The Role of a Bunking Host

Promote the Adventure:

  • While Bunking handles the marketing, hosts are expected to help promote the event through their networks. Your enthusiasm and personal outreach can significantly boost attendance and engagement.

Engage with Guests:

  • As a host, you'll be the face of the adventure. Engage with guests, lead activities, and ensure everyone feels welcome and included.

Safety First:

  • All hosts must pass a criminal background check or have the required clearance. Safety is a top priority for Bunking, ensuring a secure and enjoyable experience for all participants.

Steps to Become a Bunking Host

  1. Identify Your Passion and Skills:

    • Determine what you’re passionate about and what skills you can share. Whether it’s leading a hiking expedition, conducting cooking classes, or organizing wellness retreats, your expertise is valuable.
  2. Submit Your Application:

    • Visit the Bunking website and search for an existing listing that is looking for a host, signup to Bunking and send us an in app message from the listing that you are interested in. If you don't see a listing that meets your passion or availability, please send us an email so that we can work on creating a great overnight adventure together. Email: [email protected].
  3. Plan Your Adventure:

    • Once approved, work with the Bunking team to plan the details of your adventure. Choose a suitable destination, create an engaging itinerary, and outline the activities you’ll offer.
  4. Promote the Event:

    • Leverage your social media channels, personal networks, and local communities to promote the event. Share your excitement and encourage others to join the adventure.
  5. Host the Adventure:

    • During the event, lead the activities, engage with guests, and ensure a smooth and enjoyable experience for everyone. Be proactive in addressing any issues and creating a welcoming environment.

Tips for Successful Hosting

Be Authentic:

  • Genuine passion and enthusiasm are contagious. Be yourself and share your excitement with your guests.

Create a Welcoming Atmosphere:

  • Make sure all guests feel included and comfortable. Facilitate introductions and encourage group interactions to build a sense of community.

Prepare Thoroughly:

  • Plan your itinerary in detail, including backup plans for any activities. Being well-prepared ensures a smooth and enjoyable experience for everyone.

Engage and Interact:

  • Actively participate in activities, engage in conversations, and be approachable. Your presence and involvement can make a significant difference in the overall experience.

Success Stories from Bunking Hosts

Jane’s Culinary Retreat:

  • Jane, a professional chef, hosted a culinary retreat in a picturesque countryside. Guests enjoyed cooking classes, farm-to-table dining experiences, and wine tastings. Jane’s passion for food and her engaging personality made the retreat a huge success, and many guests returned for future events.

Mark’s Adventure Hikes:

  • Mark, an outdoor enthusiast, organized hiking adventures in various national parks. His knowledge of the trails and love for nature created unforgettable experiences for participants. Mark’s adventures quickly gained popularity, attracting a loyal group of hikers who eagerly awaited his next trip.

Emily’s Wellness Weekend:

  • Emily, a certified yoga instructor, hosted a wellness weekend focusing on yoga, meditation, and healthy living. The serene location and Emily’s expertise in wellness practices provided guests with a rejuvenating and transformative experience.


Becoming a host for a Bunking-sponsored adventure is a rewarding opportunity to share your passions, meet new people, and create memorable experiences. By promoting the event, engaging with guests, and ensuring a safe and enjoyable adventure, you can make a significant impact on participants’ lives. Ready to take the plunge? Apply to become a Bunking host today and embark on an exciting journey of connection and discovery.